Managing Your Intimate Health

Vaginal dryness can be a common issue for older women as they enter their years of hormonal change. This is due to a change in hormone balance.

How does hormone balance effect vaginal dryness?

Prior to the natural process of hormonal change, female hormones keep the lining of a woman’s vagina lubricated and moist.

When hormonal levels change, blood flow to the vagina decreases. The vaginal walls become thinner, moisture decreases, and the vagina becomes less lubricated.

Who can experience vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a common problem, particularly in older women, as they enter their years of hormonal change.

However vaginal dryness can also be caused by changing hormone levels in women of all ages, who may be taking certain medications, undergoing medical care for various reasons or even during the stage of breatfeeding. 

Can soap cause vaginal dryness?

Perfumed or antibacterial soaps, bath oils, moisture lotion and bubble baths can potentially contribute to vaginal dryness.

Likewise, scented toilet paper and laundry detergent, douches, and flavoured lubricants can also potentially cause irritation on sensitive vaginal tissue and increase vaginal dryness as well.

How do I know if I have vaginal dryness?

Common symptoms of vaginal dryness can include:

– The need to wee more often
– Urinary tract microflora imbalances
– Pain or discomfort during sex
– Feeling sore or itchy around your vagina
– Bleeding or spotting after sex

How can I manage vaginal dryness?

As women age, unfortunately symptoms may not improve with time, and sometimes may even get worse.

But vaginal dryness is not something that you have to live with, there are things that you can do about it.

– Use gentle, mild soaps or non-soap cleansers
– Only wash your external genital area (your vulva)
– Do not wash or clean inside your vagina
– Avoid perfumed soaps and other products that can increase vaginal dryness

And if you are still experiencing discomfort, you should speak with your healthcare professional and seek their advice. 

What about sex?

When you are being intimate with your partner, you both need to allow plenty of time for you to become aroused, as that can help with lubrication.

There are also a range of water lubricants available on the market  that is are intended to aid comfort during sexual activity 

Having sex should not be painful. If you notice a change in your vaginal health or are experiencing symptoms, always consult your healthcare professional.